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Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church

2 participantes

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Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church Empty Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church

Mensagem por Valter 19/9/2013, 00:10

Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church 387845

1. Bullet Proof
2. Dead City
3. Generation Nothing
4. Noises in the Wall
5. Jump the Gun
6. Suiciety
7. Scream
8. Hits Keep Comin'
9. Close to the Bone
10. The Media Horse

Sai a 22 de Outubro um novo album da veterana banda norte americana Metal Church, intitulado Generation Nothing

Mensagens : 3186
Data de inscrição : 07/08/2009
Idade : 48

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Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church Empty Re: Generation Nothing - Novo album de Metal Church

Mensagem por Agent 20/9/2013, 01:10


Mensagens : 2101
Data de inscrição : 06/08/2009
Idade : 50
Localização : Al Ruta

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